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king phone co***ny

Company Profile
Our co***ny Established in 1998 main in Luxury,cases and accessories for iphone and blackberry.Almost all the products are produced by ourown fatory.It is my pleasure to serve you.We are now alibaba's gold medal member,and our goods have sells well in the world,like in Europan.most our coustomer are satisfied with our product and service.not only we have many fashion style modles suit diffirent ages and class.but also the low price we quote them.

Many products are shown on our co***ny website.Pls visit the website to know more information about the products.Co***ny website: www.king-phone.com

We also can do any designs as your request.


Contact Us
Company: king phone co***ny
Contact: Ms. ada sun
Address: A610 star plaze,huaqiang North road,shzhen
Postcode: 518000
Tel: 86-775-83977727
Fax: 86-775-83977727

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Tel : 86-775-83977727 Fax : 86-775-83977727
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